Can Film Bring the World Together? Films Influence on Pangea DayIn this age,
Images are powerful.
Powerful enough to divide/ to spread fear/ to remove hope.
Powerful enough to unite/ to build trust, to inspire action.
Until now images of the many
have been held in the hands of few.
Finally, that is changing.
Millions of people around the world
are telling their own stories.
For the first time in history,
We have a chance to see the world differently,
to see it through the eyes of the others.
Image if we could get inside.
each other's heads for a day,
What would we see?
We are about to find out,
A worldwide search has begun/ to find film of unique power.
Films that provoke/ entertain/ inspire.
Films made by the world/ For the world.
On May10, 2008
Millions of people across the globe
We gather to witness these films
in a spectacular event/ broadcast live to the entire world.
Visionaries and musicians will join the celebration.
And it will continue afterward in cyber space,
as a newly connected global community.
You Could Be Part Of It.
We want to know your story,
Make a Film; Get involved.
Please write down your idea through the images of the film?
How do we change the world to reach the world peace from the global village?